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MHA Reports and Minutes Page

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Recent Reports:

2011.07 Education Committee Report
2011.07 Public Relations Report
2011.07 Technical Committee Report

2009 Nominating Committee Report

2009 Public Relations Committee Budget

Public Relations Committee- 2008.12.05 Minutes of Conference Call

Public Relations Committee- 2008.11.05 Minutes of Conference Call

Education Commitee - 2008.09.28 Minutes of Conference Call

President's Report, July 15, 2008

Executive Director's Report, July 13, 2008

Annual General Meeting

Draft Minutes of 2011 Meeting

Draft Minutes of 2007 Meeting

Treasurer's Report

Treasurer's Report, Dec.310,2010 - Profit +& Loss by Class

Treasurer's Report, Dec.31,2010 - Balance Sheet

Treasurer's Report, June 30, 2008

Treasurer's Report, July 19, 2007

Executive Director

Executive Director's Report, 2011 Annual Meeting

Executive Director's Report, July 13, 2008

Draft Agenda Wildacres 2008
Updated: December 10/07

Committee Reports

Education Committee Page

PRC Committee

2009.04.07 PR Committee Report

2009.02.02 Public Relations Committee Minutes of Conference Call

2009 Public Relations Committee Budget

Public Relations Committee- 2008.12.05 Minutes of Conference Call

Public Relations Committee- 2008.11.05 Minutes of Conference Call

Report, December 17, 2007

Report, July 2007

Marketing Ideas from Bev Marois

Technical Committee

Minutes of May 9, 2010 Technical Committee Meeting

June 29/09 Informal Technical Committee Report to the MHA Board of Directors

Conference Call Draft Discussion Outline, Jan 2, 2008

Report on Raleigh EPA meeting, Oct 10/07

2007.09.27 Report on EPA Meeting

Technical Committee Report, July 1, 2007

Budget Proposal Overview 2007

MHA Tech Committe Meeting Minutes - DRAFT
June 8, 2007

Status Report of ASTM Task Group on Masonry Heaters
Nov 30, 2006


Wildacres 2007 Questionnaire Results - by John Rousseau





This page last updated August 5, 2011
This page created on July 15, 2007
